How Do We Find Peace

How Do We Find Peace

How do we find peace and live it when so many innocent victims have lost their lives to senseless violence? How do we keep fear, sadness, anger and even hatred from becoming part of our daily lives? In paying attention to the conversation around us, these paralyzing...
Ladies… 4 Basic Steps to Successful Dating

Ladies… 4 Basic Steps to Successful Dating

Things are going great…you are falling for this guy… and picturing what kind of wedding you want and where you would live and…. SCREEETCH! Hold up! Here is the problem; it’s only been 5 dates!!! After five dates, 10 dates, even 20 dates, he is still someone you are...
Where Is He Already

Where Is He Already

Where is he already? Why is it so hard? How often do we hear that from our friends? How often do we say that to ourselves? Charlotte bemoaned that to her soul sisters on “Sex in the City.” We all want love and we all want to be loved. It is the single unifiable thing...